Types of Cataract Symptoms of Cataract Treatment for Cataract Types of Cataract removal Preoperative queries Surgical queries Postoperative queries

1.What is a Cataract?

Normally, the lens of the eye is clear and allows light rays to pass through easily. When a cataract develops, the lens becomes cloudy and opaque. The light rays no longer pass through the eye, so the patient cannot see clearly.

  • Cataract is not a new growth or a film over the eye. In most cases, it is just part of the aging process.

  • It is not contagious

 Types of Cataract

2.How many types of cataracts are there?

There are many types of cataracts. A change in the chemical composition of the lens causes most cataracts. The following are the various types of cataracts.

  • Senile Cataract
  • Congenital Cataract
  • Traumatic Cataract
  • Secondary Cataract
  • Drug Induced Cataract

3.What are the symptoms of Cataract?

Cataract formation is not associated with "signals" such as pain, redness or tearing.
The common symptoms are:

  • Blurring or dimming of vision
  • Feeling of a film over the eyes
  • Sensitivity to light and glare
  • Double vision & dulling of colour sense
  • Change in colour of pupil

4.How is cataract treated?

Removal of the clouded lens through surgery is the only treatment. A cataract operation is a minor operation done with local anaesthesia. During the surgery, which usually takes about 15 mintutes, the cataract lens is removed.
The removed lens will be replaced by either:

  • Cataract eye glasses or
  • Intraocular lens implant (IOL)
Normal IOL
foldable lens

5.What are the various methods of Cataract removal?

Routine Method
A 10mm opening is made in the eye. The cataract is removed, and the opening is closed with sutures.


A 5mm incision is made in the eye. The cataract is broken into small pieces by a machine with ultrasonic waves and removed with a needle. An IOL is inserted into the eye. The wound helas without sutures.

What are the advantages of Phaco?
  • Small incision, no sutures, no irritation, no watering.
  • Early return to work. No need for long hospital stay. Even if the patient stays in the hospital, it is only for one or two days.
  • Only one postoperative visit necessary. Stable refraction after one month

Routine Method


Pre-operative queries

Q.Must someone accompany me on the day of surgery?
It's not absolutely necessary, but advisable.

Q.How long does the testing for my surgery take?
The time required for pre-surgical testing may vary greatly, but most patients should plan to be at the hospital according to the hospital appointments.

Q.I take a blood thinner and several other prescription medications. Could I continue this before surgery?
Yes. Take all prescription medications as you normally would before surgery.

Q.I am a contact lens wearer. May I wear my contacts until the day of surgery?
No. Your contact lenses may change some of the measurements we take before the surgery. Please remove soft contact lenses at least one week prior to surgery, and hard lenses two weeks prior to surgery.

Q.May I eat before surgery?
Yes. A good meal is recommended before arriving and bring a snack,or packed lunch.

Q.May I wear makeup?
Please do not wear any makeup on the day of surgery.

Q. What is my implant made of?
The implants can be made of either Silicone or PMMApoly methyl meta acrylalte which is a type of plastic. Each lens has specific indications and the doctor determines which lens is best suited for you based on a number of factors..

Q.How long will my implants last?
The intraocular lens is placed permanently in your eye and will not "wear out".

Q.Can my eye reject the lens implant?
No, since the intraocular lens is not made of human tissue, your body cannot reject it. Also it has been proven that the body accepts this material.

Q.Was laser used to remove my cataract?
Your cataract was removed by ultrasound, not laser. In a process called phacoemulsification, sound waves gently break up the cataract and it is removed from the eye. However, lasers are presently being developed to remove cataracts.

Surgical Queries

Q. Will I feel anything during surgery?
Most patients feel only gentle pressure.

Q. What do I see during surgery?
Most patients only see the bright lights of the microscope.

Q. Would a cough prevent me from having surgery?
It is very important that you don't cough unexpectedly during surgery.

Q. May I have medication for my nerves?
It's not required, but some patients do request medication to help them relax. If you do elect to take medication for your nerves, have someone accompany you if possible.

Q.Will I need to have blood drawn before the surgery?
Unless there is a specific indication the blood will not be drawn.

Q.How soon may I leave after surgery?
Most patients may leave within a few hours after the surgery.

Q.I know I need surgery on both eyes. When may I have my second eye done?
If surgery is recommended on both eyes, you may have them one day apart.

Q.What happens before I'm discharged?
After the surgery, you will be brought into the recovery room where your vital signs such as your pulse and blood pressure will be assessed. Your eye pressure should be checked and your postoperative instructions and medications will be explained to a friend or family member. Afterwards, an attending eye surgeon will examine your eye or arrangements will be made to check you the following day.

Q.Do I need a physical examination before surgery?
Your general health is assessed prior to surgery by a staff physician and if the hospital rules permit they can grant medical clearance for your surgery.

Q. What will I be able to see right after the operation?
Most patients' vision is quite blurred after the surgery from the dilating drops and the bright microscope lights.

               Surgery for Cataract

Post operative Queries

Q.May I drive myself home?
It is not recommended, although some patients who see well out of their other eye and have not had any medication may drive.

Q.Can I wear my old glasses after surgery?
Wearing your old glasses will not harm your eyes, but since the prescription won't be optimal for your surgery eye, you will probably see best without them. Most patients find it easiest to only wear glasses for reading.

Q.I see great at a distance, but why can't I read without glasses?
Your implant is a single-focus lens. If your lens was chosen for distance vision, you will need reading glasses for close range work. Some patients elect to have one eye focused for close vision so they can read without glasses. However, this may compromise distance vision. Patients who require precise distance vision do best with both eyes focused for distance and reading glasses for near.

Q.When may I wear make-up again?
You may wear make-up on your face such as lipstick and powder immediately after surgery, but eye make-up should be avoided for two weeks.

Q.Why does it feel like there is something in my eye after my surgery?
You've had a microscopic incision on the surface of your eye. When you blink, you may feel a slightly scratchy sensation until the incision heals.Scratchiness is also a symptom of dry eyes. After surgery, our patients find that using artificial tears helps to alleviate the symptoms.

Q.The eye drops, given to me to use after surgery, sting my eye. Is this normal?
It is common for some eye drops to burn or sting upon installation. You should continue to use your eye drops as prescribed. However, if your discomfort seems to be worsening, or you experience a decrease in vision, call your doctor at Aravind .Burning may also be a symptom of dry eyes. Make sure you're using your "artificial tears" drops frequently. Some patients find using artificial tears 5 minutes before their medicated drops decreases their irritation.

Phacoemulsification surgery in progress

         Intraocular lens implantation