1. What are Contact Lenses?

Contact lenses are small, curved, thin plastic disks designed to cover the cornea, the clear front covering of the eye including the iris and pupil. They can often be used to correct conditions such as myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism and presbyopia.

2. Who are restricted to wear contact lenses?

Some persons are restricted from using contact lens. They are those who have -

  • Frequent eye infections
  • Severe allergies
  • Dry eye
  • A work environment that is very dusty or dirty
  • Inability to handle and care for the lenses properly

Most people who need vision correction can wear contact lenses. If you think they might be for you, talk to your ophthalmologist.

3.Why do I have to clean my Contact Lenses?

Cleaning removes surface debris and bacteria that may adhere to the contact lenses.

4. Can we sleep with contact lenses?

No. It will lead to corneal unhealthiness.

5. At what age can children start wearing contact lenses?

Contacts can be worn starting at age 10, depending on the child's level of maturity. Some 10 year olds are more responsible than some 14 year olds, so it all depends on the individual child.

6. Can we use cosmetics while wearing contact lenses?

Sure, but you can apply the cosmetics only after wearing the Contact Lens.

7. Can we use water to clean our contact lenses?

No, You can't use water. Use contact lens solutions as suggested by your contact lens practitioner.

8. Why do I have to use protein cleaner ?

Contact lenses are exposed to a complex environment whilst in the eye. The tear film contains a number of different proteins which potentially adhere to the surface of the contact lens. The buildup of protein reduces the wettability of the surface of the contact lens which causes a "smeary" or "foggy" vision. A protein cleaner, often an enzymatic agent, will help in reducing the potential for protein to adhere to the contact lens surface. One of the benefits of disposable contact lenses is that protein cleaners are not necessary because the lenses are disposed off before there is a large build up of proteinateous material.

9. Sir, I have redness, can I use my contact lens now?

No, you cannot use your Contact Lens with redness. Consult your eye doctor for more information and advice.

10. How many hours can we use our contact lenses in a day?

That depends upon the contact lens type. Ideally soft contact lenses can be worn up to 12 hours / day. Semisoft contact lens can be worn up to 10 hours/day. Hard contact lens can be worn up to 8 hours/day.

11. Can we use our power glass over Contact Lens?

No, you cannot use your power glass over the contact lens. Wear a plain glass while driving.

12. Can I participate in games with contact lens?

Sure, you can participate in games with contact lens.

13. How frequent can we change our contact lens?

It depends on the contact lens type. Consult your ophthalmologist regarding this. He will suggest when to change your lens.

14. Can people with dark eyes change their eye color with colored contact lenses?

Yes. There are different brands (both disposable and conventional) that will change the color of both light and dark eyes. It's important that the lenses be tried on first because they will look different on each individual

15. How do we know if the lens in one eye is been lost?

Cover the other eye, which you suspect to have the lens and determine whether the vision is clear from the lost eye. If vision is blurred then more than likely the lens is either dislodged from the cornea or has fallen from the eye.

16. How do we know if the lenses have been put in the wrong eye?

Check the vision of each eye by covering the alternate eye with your hand. If the vision is unclear then try swapping the lenses and then recheck the vision.

17. How do we deal with dryness with contact lenses?

Try using an "in-eye" lubricant. There can be some dryness if you work in an air-conditioned environment. If the problem persists consult an eye care professional for more information

18. How long does it take to adapt to new lenses?

Soft lenses can be worn for 2 to 4 hours on the first day and the wearing time can be increased by about 2 hours per day until 8 hours of daily wear is achieved. The eye practitioner should recommend this rate of increasing the wearing time and maximum hours that the lenses can be worn. Rigid lenses are generally worn for 2-4hrs on the first day with an increase of 1-2hrs each day until 8 hours of daily wear is obtained. Again the rate at which the wearing time is increased and maximum number of hours of wearing time will depend on the person and the recommendations of your eye care practitioner.

19. Why is there a limit to the length of wearing time ?

The cornea, the "clear part of the eye" is avascular or without a blood supply. It is avascular, otherwise it wouldn't transmit light without distortion. As a result of this living tissue being avascular it is necessary to obtain oxygen from the atmosphere. The wearing of a contact lens interrupts the flow of oxygen to the cornea and due to changes in the metabolic pump of the corneal cells the tissue thickens, called oedema. Contact lenses are manufactured from material that allows maximum oxygen transmission. But this is still not exactly the same as the 20.4% therefore the lens wearing time must be controlled to reduce oxygen deprivation to the cornea.

20. Can I use eye drops over contact lenses?
In general eye drops shouldn't be used with contact lenses because the lens can absorb the eye drop and result in a concentrated buildup of the solution. There are special, "in-eye" lubricants that many manufacturers/pharmaceutical companies produce for use with contact lenses. Check with your eye care professional if there are any doubts about the solution.

21. What are the risks and benefits of contact lenses?


  • No need to wear glasses

  • No spectacle scotoma - i.e. "blind-spot" due to frame edge

  • Overcome problems of spectacle magnification, especially when large difference in Spectacle prescription between the two eyes

  • Corneal odema
  • Corneal ulcers
  • Contact lens induced conjunctivitis
22. How to take care of contact lenses?
  • Always wash your hands thoroughly with soap & plenty of water before handling contact lenses

  • Have them marked to identify the sides. Mark the boxes to prevent confusion

  • Always place the lenses in their box only. This prevents scratching of the lenses

  • Learn the proper insertion and removal procedure.

  • Use contact lens solutions only, for cleaning the lenses , never use tap water

  • Place the lenses in adequate amount of solution in the box. Never allow the lenses to dry up.

  • You can use a multipurpose solution, which takes the total care of the lenses

  • Enzyme cleaning tablets should be used to remove the protein debris. Always wash the lenses and the case after enzyme cleaning. The case may be boiled in water to sterilize it at intervals

  • Dispose off the lens after their specified time, even if they appear good to your naked eye

  • Never wear lenses if your have any eyelid or eye infection./irritation.

  • If you are using any eye drops medications, consult your doctor regarding your lenses, as they can absorb the eye drops

  • Wear protective glasses/goggles over your lenses, in crowded/windy/dusty areas

  • Remove your lenses; wash your eyes in case of a foreign body/dust particle entering the eye. Never rub your eye with the lens in it.

  • Preferably never ever sleep with lenses on, even with the extended wear type.