Making the Bed

Kothai Pandiaraj

Equipment and materials:

  • Cloth duster -2nos.
  • Pillow cover
  • Bed sheet
  • Additional sheet
Making a bed:
A patient requires a comfortable bed to take rest and recover. A bed that is well- made will provide the required comfort. Bed making is a skill that requires to be developed by the housekeeper, as it not only provides comfort to the patient, but also adds to the pleasant ambience of a patients room.

Changing dirty linen:

tamil manual 115 Method:
  • Take clean bed sheets and clean pillow covers.
  • Knock on the patients door and politely ask permission to enter and make the bed.
  • Make polite enquiries about the patients health, and say a few comforting words.
  • Help the patient to get up from the bed and sit on the chair
  • Remove the outer cover of the pillow by gently untying the knots.
  • If the inner cover is clean, do not remove it. Otherwise remove the inner cover also.
  • Remove the used sheets from the bed gently and carefully by folding it into four, so that the dust does not fly around. Place this along with the pillow covers with the dirty linen outside the room.
Spreading a clean bed sheet:

  • Fold the mattress into two and wipe the dust under the mattress with a wet cloth.
  • Now wipe the bed thoroughly with a dry cloth. A damp bed will cause the mattress to smell
  • Clean and dust the legs and the portion under the bed in a similar manner.
  • Make sure that the bed sheet to be spread has no stains and is not torn.
  • Fold it uniformly and place it in the centre of the bed.
  • Lift the mattress breadth wise above the bed, and tuck one end of the bed sheet under the mattress.
  • In a similar manner tuck the opposite end. Make sure that there are no creases in the bed sheet after it is so tucked.
  • The four corners of the bed sheet which remain unfolded should be folded triangularly and tucked tight under the mattress.
  • Now tuck in the sides along the length of the bed.
  • Pat the bed sheet all over to remove any creases.
  • Inspect the work. There should be no creases or folds.
Putting on a pillow cover:

  • Change the inner cover only if it is dirty.
  • Fold the pillow in two and then slip it into the cover
  • Let the knot of the inner cover go in first so as not to be visible once the outer cover is put on.
  • The opening of the pillow cover should not be visible.
Arranging the bed:
  • Place the pillow at the head of the bed.
  • After the bed sheet has been neatly spread and the pillow cover has been put on, fold the additional sheet neatly and put it at the foot of the bed.
  • Settle the patient comfortably on the bed again, thank him, and then leave the room.
  • Torn and stained bed sheets and pillow covers should be replaced immediately
  • The bed sheet should be spread so that there are no creases, and the corners should be tucked in firmly and neatly.