Information, Education and communication: Case Study


In these days of mans unquenchable thirst for progress, attainment of knowledge and skills and their importation To pupils have acquired added significance. It is well known that we forget what we hear, remember what we see and know the things that we actually do. Learning by doing become the order of the day.

Case study is a method where in the investigator undertakes a through study of all the inter-relations and Inter-actions of several variables and finally comes to an understanding of the situation. The unit for investigation and Analysis could be individuals, families, cultural groups communities, decisions, and situations. The objectives of the Study are (a) to gather detailed information about the unit under study and (b) to determine factors accounting for Compels behavior pattern of the unit to its surrounding milieu.

The conclusion arrived at by the study cannot be taken to represent any larger universe; but the knowledge Gained through investigation will give clues and insights leading to new hypotheses. Case studies therefore Are insight provoking studies. In structure studies of his patients stimulated the insight of sigmund frowned. Anthropological studies conducted for and wide in the world today are through case studies.

Intensity of study - the investigator has a tremendous scope for intensive investigation by probing, Observing collecting and correlating information, which may not be so much possible in other Procedures.

Comparision with other methods of learning:

Investigators in Social Sciences have several methods open to them for gaining more knowledge, notable Among them being field survey and field or case studies. Of course it is the investigator who has to make the choice Of the method which serves his purpose best. But both field survey and case study have their merits and demerits. Perhaps it is not very easy to draw a fine distinction between a survey and study of a field situation; all the Same there are practical differences and they generally called for Different techniques and skills. The Difference is roughly in the greater scope for the survey and in the greater depth for the study.

Case studies have Tremendous potentialities in unearthing complex problem of human relationship. There is no denying the fact that because of several case studies more and more (social) variables are being recognized and considered for further research in social sciences. While the survey on the one hand helps gain studying a few units of universe, thereby highlighting the representative nature of the survey, the case study helps to gain, greater depth the unit of study, thus enriching the knowledge gained on the subject so far. But the results obtained from the case study cannot be taken to the representative of the universe. Further both the survey case study try to get at certain processes going on in the community, the former by inferring from the statistical and points of investigation, while the latter by directly observing and measuring on going process.

  1. Useless for foreign ideas.
  2. Time consuming.
Application of case study method:

While in the past the case study method has been widely used by pioneering psychologists like Sigmund Fruid and Havelock Ellis, and famous Anthropologists like Malino and Elwin the method is being profitably used In other sciences as well. Elihiuzberg and her co-workers adopted case study approach to know more about The middle class Negro in the White Mans World. More recently, Robert Repetto had adopted case Study method to study the Madras Vasectomy Programme. Carpenter applied the method for bringing out Several others have employed case study for gaining more insight, Harold B. Wise, employ case study Method to describe the goals of operation of the Montefiors Hospital Neighborhood Medical care Demonstration centre.

Case study as a method of teaching:

Cases present a chunk of somebodys real life to be explored and understood by some one else. Ideally they serve primarily in helping members conceive that there may be several ways of looking at, thinking about, and acting in an identical situation, to wonder which they might choose if they had themselves being it, to ask more effective questions of the data life throws upto them and to go on to learn some generalizations and concepts from the study of field data. Hence, limited identification with one or more persons in the case is necessary for learning to take place. At the same time there should be distance for stimulating systematic through cases suitable for some particular stages in one training group may not suitable for another at the same time stage.

The instructor, therefore, should have several cases suitable for a particular stage, and select the most promising. These cases should be of recent date and present situations of the kind which members of the group might be expected to meet with. To guide him in Selecting the right case at the right moment the instructor needs an increasingly intimate understanding Of his group for it is primarily the members that he has to teach and not primarily the case. The most Difficult to their own experiences in course of the discussion. By this, the study is made meaningful to the members. The instructors task is also to help them look instead of stare; understand instead of overthink; and listen to other peoples feeling. Case study materials may take different forms such as, story, texts autobiography, research data etc. While studying the materials the writers motives, biases and prejudices included in the material have to be taken care of.

Summary and Conclusion:

Case study is a method of both learning and teaching. Teaching is not merely telling; for learning to take place something dynamic must happens within the learner to lead him a head. Learning is a active process. The case study method operates on the activity principles. The case study method helps students to learn How to think effectively in trying to deal with new problem and experiences. There is reflective thinking leading To new insights, interpretations and ideas.