Information, Education and Communication: Colloquy


A Colloquy is an informal method of discourse which is a modified form of the panel, using one group of three to four persons from the audience and another group of three to four resources persons or experts on the subject to be considered. The panel members selected from the audience present the problem and the experts comment on various aspects of it. The general audience and panel members participate whenever they so desire under the guidance of a moderator.

A colloquy can best be used as a technique when the consideration hinges around a problem. Perhaps it is Expected that the audience panel raises or identifies the problem or the problem may be fully defined a head of the meeting; And questions from the audience panel may help to point up solutions which the stage experts may give. By planting Audience participants ahead of time, audience discussion may be more easily generated. There is also a tendency for the stage Experts to remain alert on the problems at hand if they realize that audience interrogators are present accuracy in Statements made by the stage experts.

Much of the success of a colloquy depends on the efficiency of the leader or moderator. He must know how To use the technique and the practical values of it. He must also make sure that no planted interrogator Overshadows the discussion or that no expert steals the show. Sometimes the mechanize of the technique a Moderator with three or four audience interrogators and three or four stage experts does not permit sufficient time for each to present his ideas and for the general audience to be involved. It was previously stated that a colloquy operates best around a central problem. Most problems are subject to controversy. Because of limited time it is not always possible for both sides of the question to be presented, fully exploited and defended when the colloquy technique is used.

Programme planners who wish to vary their programme procedure should consider the colloquy as a technique with many advantages. It should not be used too often.


  1. Direct audience representation and participation.
  2. Audience can immediately question a statement.
  3. Opportunity to extract information from experts


  1. Time limitation does not allow complete representation of ideas.
  2. Because these is so much participation there may be no economy of presentation.