Equipment needed for House Keeping

Navaz Clement
Manager Housekeeping
Aravind Eye Care System

To keep the hospital clean and hygienic various equipments and supplies are used. No work can be done without proper equipment. It is important that the housekeeper make a careful selection of equipment based on suitability for use in a health care institution, appropriate design and required size, rugged construction and finish, ease and availability of maintenance, initial and operating costs, on-the-job tested performance, safety, and overall efficiency. Supplies should also be studied, and basic procedures developed to use these supplies most effectively in maintaining desired standards of cleanliness

Housekeeping property is broadly classified as either equipment or supplies. Items classified as supplies are consumables, and equipment is reusable. Thus, floor machines, brooms, mops, stools, vacuum machines, etc, are categorized as equipment, whereas dusters, detergents, germicides, etc. are supplies.

Purchasing equipment: It is poor economy to buy less than high quality, timesaving equipment. It is also poor economy to buy good equipment and let it lay idle or to buy a product of better quality than is actually needed. If budget restrictions require it, expensive equipment can be programmed over the course of several years.

Selecting new equipment is the responsibility of the housekeeper. Advice may be obtained from the purchasing agent, maintenance superintendent, laundry manager, microbiologist, or other personnel, but the final decision rests with the housekeeper. In order to ensure that no wrong purchase is made, the housekeeper needs to do independent research in the market and on the job. A general checklist can be formulated to help the housekeeper and other personnel involved in the purchase of the equipment to remember every factor pertinent to the purchase of the equipment. The housekeeper also needs to evaluate a product before purchase. Very often the employees who use the product are the best people to consult for this.

Maintaining equipment: When an employee is provided with high quality equipment, he must be trained in its proper care in use and in storage. All equipment should also be inspected daily by the housekeeper or his representative for cleanliness, indications of wear and tear, neglect or abuse. Periodic detailed inspection should be made to forestall breakdowns.

Some institutions hold each worker responsible for the equipment assigned to him. Other equipment that is used by the department for general work, and which is shared by all the staff, is cared for and inspected regularly by the senior housekeeper, or a person assigned for the purpose. One method to ensure regular inspection is to set aside a specific room where equipment is turned in at the end of the day and made ready for use the next day. Another method is the systematic tagging of machines that have been inspected. This makes it easy for the housekeeper to make a quick check of machines that have not been inspected.

A card file with separate card for the service history of the equipment should be kept in the housekeeping department. This will provide the department with important data whenever replacement of equipment is being considered. In case of failure, a tag stating defective should be attached to the equipment, and the equipment should be sent to the maintenance department for a check. Space should be provided on the tag for a brief description of the defect, the department from which it was sent, the date on which it was sent, and the name of the person who discovered the defect.

The manufacturers instructions concerning the operation, maintenance and adjustments of the equipment should be permanently kept in the housekeepers file. Copies should be given to the maintenance department for making repairs and to use the parts list for stockpiling small replacement parts. Each employee should be given individual instruction in handling the equipment he uses, and should have a set of instructions framed and hung in the immediate work area. Observing the employee as he uses the equipment will show how closely he adheres to the instructions.

If the maintenance department does not have workers with the skills required to repair a particular equipment, it is advisable to use the services of the manufacturers local representative for systematic maintenance and overhauling. By contracting his services, the institution need not stock up any spare parts, and also avoids loss of time, as he can provide substitute equipment while repairs are being made.

Equipment and supplies needed for Housekeeping

DUSTER: This is used to clean dust from tables, chairs, and other articles.
BROOM (hard bristle): This is used to clean the surroundings, the toilets, and to remove water after washing the floor.
SOFT BROOM: This is used to sweep dust and waste on a smooth floor.
WASTE BASKET: This is placed in the patients rooms, office area and common areas of the hospital for dropping waste materials.
DUST BIN: All the garbage collected from different areas of the hospital is put into the dust bin.
DUST PAN: This is used to pick up and remove dust and waste collected at a place.
RUGS: These are placed at the entrances to absorb all the dust particles from our footwear when we come in from the outside.
DOOR MAT: These are placed in front of the operation theatre, laboratory, other rooms, toilets and bathrooms, in order to absorb moisture and dust.
DISINFECTANT: Different disinfectants are used for cleaning floors and toilets.
FLOOR CLEANING LIQUID: It is used to remove dirt from the floor and make it shine. It is used to clean and wipe the floor.
BUCKET: This is used for carrying water and while swabbing the floor.
THREAD MOP: It is used to clean and mop the verandah and rooms.
SWABBING CLOTH: This is used to wipe bathrooms and keep them dry.
WASHING LIQUID /POWDER: This is used to clean bathrooms, toilets and washbasins.
LIQUID SOAP/SOAP SOLUTION: This is used to clean walls and tiles.
BLEACHING POWDER: Bleaching powder is used to clean moss-covered places. It is also used to clean sewage tanks and water tanks.
NYLON BRUSH: This is used to scrub washbasins and vessels. It is also used to remove stains.
WC BRUSH: This is used to clean the outlet for sewage water.
WOODEN BRUSH: This is used to clean the footrests and tiled flooring in the toilets. This is also used to clean water tanks.
The wooden brushes that are used to clean toilets should not be used for any other purpose.
CURVED BRUSH: It is used to clean the inside of the commode and toilet bowl, as well as corners and edges.
NYLON SPONGE: This is used to clean walls.
NUVON: This is an insecticide, which is sprayed to prevent cockroaches, mosquitoes, ants and flies. This is also placed in septic tanks to prevent breeding of cockroaches
INSECTICIDE: This is sprayed or used in powder form to prevent cockroaches, flies, and other insects.
NAPHTHALENE BALLS: These are placed in the drains of washbasins to prevent insects from coming up through the drains, it also helps to keep away bad odour.
AIR FRESHENER: It is used in the toilets or in rooms to drive away odour
HYDROCHLORIC ACID: It is used to remove stains in washbasins and toilets. It is also used to remove any clogging in the washbasins and sinks.
HARPIC / TOILET CLEANER: When used on tiles and in the toilets it removes stains, and leaves them sparkling.
BRASSO: It is used to polish brass articles.
MANSION POLISH: This is used to polish floors.
STAIN REMOVER: This is used to remove stains and dirt from clothes.
VARNISH: This is used to polish wooden furniture, and thus protect it from termites.
FLOOR STAIN REMOVING STONE: This is used to remove salt stains from mosaic flooring.
TOILET PAPER: A roll of toilet paper is placed in the toilets.
VACUUM CLEANER: a machine used to remove dust from places that are not easily reached. This is also used to remove cobwebs, dust from corners of walls and ceilings, window grills, etc.
POLISHING MACHINE: This is used to polish floors and keep them shining and looking new
MULTI-ACTION MOP: This is used to clear water from the floor. It is used in the bathrooms to dry up the floor, as well as to clean it thoroughly.


  • Training the Housekeeping aide - Hospital Research and Education trust
  • House keeping manual for health care facilities American Hospital association