Case Study - Feedback


Lions Aravind diabetic retinopathy project LE.C. Expert is returning from the bank in an auto. He asked the auto driver to come to his house next day at 6.00 am. Since he has to go to his native place by vaigai express. The driver asked the name of the I.E.C. Expert. The I.E.C. Expert mentioned his name and address. Immediately the driver asked him "Are you the same Mr.K.K.Perumal", who talked about eye diseases and diabetic retinopathy in Madurai All India Radio on Wednesday night from 9.00 to 10.00 pm along with Dr.Rose and Dr.Lily. The I.E.C. Expert responded positively.

Next day morning at 5.50 am itself the auto driver came to the I.E.C. Expert house, Auto driver mentioned that his name is Alagar and he used to return to his house at 8.00 pm itself spent the time with grand children and listen the radio program during night time. That is the only recreation for him. On the way to railway station; there was a conversation between I.E.C. Expert and the auto driver.

LE.C. Expert: Mr.Alagar, How was that Radio programme?
Alagar: It was very good, and all of you have explained about eye diseases like Cataract, Refractive error and Diabetic retinopathy
LE.C. Expert: What are other things you came to know?
Alagar: I have learnt many things about eye diseases.
LE.C. Expert: What are main things you came to know about diabetic retinopathy?
Alagar: I have learnt that diabetes affects vital organs like eye, heart, brain, kidney and legs. There is no medicine for D.R. Laser is a preventive treatment for diabetic retinopathy.
Alagar: Sir is it really true, that there is no medicine for diabetic retinopathy?
LE.C. Expert: Yes, it is a "fact" that there is no medicine for diabetic retinopathy, but it can be prevented by LASER treatment.
Alagar: Sir, how diabetic retinopathy can be prevented?
LE.C. Expert: Diabetic retinopathy can be prevented by checking the retina once in a year and management of diabetes with diet, drug and exercise.
Alagar Is all the three are important?
LE.C Expert: Regular medicine, diet, exercises, knowledge about the disease is equally important for management of diabetic retinopathy
Alagar: Again Alagar said all of you have explained very clearly. Especially the Way in which you have explained is good, simple, clear and understand able. "I liked it very much." I could not forget your statement "Saga Varam Petra Sakarai Veeyathi" (Diabetis cannot be eradicated). That is why I came to your house 10 minutes earlier sir Then LE.C. Expert patted on his shoulder and left.