Information, Education and Communication: Flash Cards


They are a set of pictured compact paper cards of varying sizes that are flashed one by one in a logical sequence before an audience to bring home an idea. The message on each card is brief and up to the point.

They are varying sizes depended upon the size of the audience:

 5    x     7  ---    3    or    4 
15   x    20  ---   20   or   25
22   x    20  ---   30


  1. Relatively inexpensive.
  2. Easy to carry.
  3. Can be used at any situation.
  4. Easy to make.
  5. It captures and holds the attention of the audience.
  6. It is flexible to meet the speakers requirements.
  7. Overcomes the language barrier and even the illiterate can learn.
  8. We can depict anything we want, unlike the photograph.


  1. The effectiveness of flashcard is purely influenced in the way it is used.
  2. As they are of paper they spoil soon.
  3. For storage they need more space.
  4. They cannot be used for a very big audience.
  5. The audience may loss their attention when more cards are used.

How to use:

Plan agenda and insert in suitable place the use of flashcard:

  1. Go through each card referring to the respective write up and be thorough with each card.
  2. Know the central idea and note down the important teaching points which enhance that central idea.
  3. Develop three or four kep questions to be asked.

Rehearse                :     Arrange cards serially, stand before a mirror and present stressing only 
                                    the important points just seeing the flashcard.

Check yourself         :     Whether you are simple.
                                     Whether you are enthusiastic
                                     Whether you hold the cards against your chest.
                                     Whether your eyes forward.
                                     Whether you keep pace of your voice.
                                     Whether identify yourself in telling the story.
                                     Whether logical in adjusting the time dramatize.

Prepare your audience:

Don't let your audience to sit beyond 20' in front of you or not far off the side so the cards can be easily seen.


  1. Brief introduction of the subject which your flashcard deals.
  2. Greate the attention towards your aid.
  3. State the purpose. (Relate it to your audiences interest).
  4. Present materials:
    1. Stand erect.
    2. Hold the cards against your chest and high enough and turn towards all sides as to be easily seen by all.
    3. Stress important points.. I
    4. Don't wander from theme to theme.
    5. Keep the language simple and realistic.
    6. Dont go in a breakneck speed or hand on a particular care.
    7. Slip the cards behind the stock.
  5. Don't hesitate to repeat the card when doubt arises on that particular card.
  6. If necessary, present it again.
  7. Distribute cards among the audience one by one and lead the discussion.

Application :   Discussion Practice i.e. demonstration Question and Answers. 
Follow- up : Supply reading material. Involve into action. Field Trip.
Tips to remember for effective use of flashcards:

  1. The story on each card must be familiar to you.
  2. You must use simple words and local expressions.
  3. The wording is as brief as possible.
  4. You must bring the local names of people and village. The
  5. Lettering is large enough for the audience to read.
  6. You must hold cards so people can see clearly.
  7. The class is prepared before flashing the cards.
  8. Hold the cards against body and not up in the air.
  9. The cards are the card is in time with the community.
  10. They are exposed long enough for comprehension.
  11. The first slow-paced flash-through is followed by a quick flash-through review.
  12. The cards can be circulated after the demonstration among the audience .
  13. This aid is used with other teaching tools.
  14. You glance down at card as you tell the story.
  15. You point to important objects without covering the card with your hand.
  16. You are enthusiastic, you enjoy telling the story.