Information, Education and communication: Lecture


It is a careful presentation of facts with organized thoughts and ideas by a qualified person. In it, the lecturer tries to highlight some points for want of time.


  1. It is an extremely formal technique: the lecture permits only one-way communication.
  2. It allow for complete and detailed presentations without the distraction of interruptions.
  3. It is a very rapid method of conveying information to a group.
  4. Control can be rigid. Since it is entirely in the hands of the speaker.
  5. It calls for a high degree of competence on the part of the speaker and a high level of audience co-operation.
  6. Audience exert little control over content and approach. Irresponsible speakers may state half truths, distort facts, or make Highly emotional appeals.
  7. It is difficult to measure the effect of a speech on the group in any objective way.


  1. To present information in a formal and direct manner.
  2. In a very short time knowledge can be given.
  3. It guarantees some preparedness to people.
  4. To supply expert information with continuity. Lecturer is thoroughly prepared.
  5. To identify a problem, or a general problem area.
  6. To explore certain limited facets of a problem.
  7. To stimulate the group to additional reading and/or discussion.
  8. To inspire the group.
  9. To divert or entertain a group by use of a very skilled or very experienced speaker.
  10. To help the group share the experiences of another person vicariously.


  1. In a very short time a speaker tries to put forward may points and sometime it leads to crowding of the ideas
  2. Speaker may give superficial ideas.
  3. Passive method.
  4. May not interest call audience.


In it discussion follow lectures. The audience put questions and seek clarifications.


  1. Active involvement of the audience.
  2. Lot of information is extracted by putting questions.
  3. Ensures more preparation on the part of lecturer.