
General Maintenance Department
For the Hospital to function smoothly it is necessary to ensure minimum breakdown in infrastructure. This includes civil work, plumbing, carpentry and electrical. The Housekeeping Department therefore has to work closely with the General Maintenance Department

Maintenance of electrical equipment:
The maintenance of the electrical equipment is the most important job of the house keeper. Electrical fittings and equipment such as the fans, lights, refrigerators, and others are used daily in all the areas of the hospital. It is therefore essential that they should function well. Any problem with electrical fittings causes a lot of discomfort to the patients and the staff. Hence it is absolutely essential for the housekeeper to visit the patients rooms and the office sections every day to check if the electrical fittings are functioning properly. If the light is flickering, or not functioning in any room, or if the fan or AC is not working, or is making a sound when switched on, it should be noted down immediately in the handbook, mentioning the room no, area of the hospital and the defect. With these details the house keeper should approach the Electrical Maintenance Department and ensure that immediate action is taken.

Format of the maintenance of electrical equipment/fittings:

Sr. no. Date Room no. Defect Date of registration Date of completion Signature of house keeper Signature of electrician

Fittings and equipment the house keeper should check and record in the maintenance register.

In the patients rooms:

  • Operate the switches on the switch board and ensure that they are working. Note down any fault in the register.
    If the tube light is not functioning properly, try and adjust the starter. If it still does not function, then have the tube replaced. If the light still doesnt function, have the choke replaced.
  • Check the night lamp. Replace it if it is not functioning.
  • It is important to ensure that the fan is working. If there is an unusual sound while functioning, make a note and get it repaired. Also check the regulator and get it repaired if needed.
  • If the room is air conditioned, ensure that the AC is working soundlessly. Any disturbance should be noted and rectified immediately.
Other equipment:
  • If water filled and kept in the refrigerator does not chill in the stipulated time, the refrigerator should be checked and the fault should be corrected. This can be done with the help of the General Maintenance Department.
  • The heater is a dangerous appliance. It is very important to handle this with care. It is essential to find out if this appliance gives a shock when it is functioning. It is a must to wear chappals during this time. Do not touch it with wet hands. Check if it heats the water in the stipulated time, and if there is any defect, it should be noted in the register and immediate action should be taken to rectify the fault.
  • Similarly, the vacuum cleaner and the stain removing/polishing machine should be checked out, and any faults should be noted and rectified with the help of an electrician
Maintenance of wooden fixtures/furniture:
The proper maintenance of wooden fixtures/furniture in a hospital is very important, and is second only to maintaining electrical equipment. Similar to noting down the defects in the functioning of the electrical equipments in all the areas of the hospital and in the patients rooms, it is important to note down the defects, if any, in the doors, windows, tables and chairs. This should be done regularly.

Maintaining wooden fixtures in a room:
  • When opening and closing doors pay attention to the hinges. If the hinges are squeaking, get it rectified immediately. The squeaking noise irritates the patient and aggravates his pain.
  • Check the hooks and latches that prevent the doors and windows from banging. If any of these is broken, have it replaced immediately to prevent any damage to the glass windows and the door hinges.
  • Check the furniture such as tables and chairs in a room. If any repair needs to be carried out, attend to it immediately. If they are irreparable remove them from the room and replace them. The condemned furniture should be put into the store room till the hospital decides what to do with it.
  • Check the window frame, the glass pane, and the windows for damage. If the glass is broken, have it replaced.
  • The lower portion of the bathroom doors gets wet, and hence the wood decays. Check these regularly and have them repaired. It is advisable to nail an aluminum sheet to the lower half of the door and have it painted. This will prevent it from decaying
  • Check the latches and the handles of the doors for any repair that may be needed.
  • It is not enough to check and note down the damage. It should be repaired immediately by calling the carpenter. This is the responsibility of the house keeper.
Maintenance of taps and drains:
Water required for the bathroom and the toilets is supplied through the pipes. Taps may leak since they are opened and closed several times during the day, and this damages the washers. If this is not rectified immediately, not only is water wasted, but the salt deposits from the water will leave stains on the floors and in the wash basins. Saving water is an important task of the house keeper. The method of using water without wastage is explained in this lesson.

Maintenance of taps:
  • Close the taps tight to prevent water from leaking
  • If the water continues to leak even after closing the tap tight, open the tap and check the washer. If required, change the washer.
  • If the tap still continues to leak, check the grooves in the tap, and if they are worn out, have the tap replaced.
Maintenance of pipelines:

The pipeline is most important for water supply. We use either iron pipes or PVC pipes.
  • Pipelines are connected along the wall to the toilets and bathrooms. Elbow clamps, unions and threads are used to make these connections. Do not hold the pipes when going up and down the stairs. Do not shake them or use them as supports when standing near them. This will make them loose and weak. If pipes have come off the wall due to the clamps being broken, have them fixed again with the help of a plumber. Pipelines connected at ground level should not be trampled upon.
  • Pipelines are usually straight. If they have to be taken around the curves of the buildings, they are connected with the help of elbow fittings. Sometimes these fittings become loose, and water starts to leak. This should be rectified immediately.
  • If the taps are connected very close to the wall on account of short pipes, water will be wasted. Due to leakage of water and the closeness of the tap to the wall, there will be stains on the walls. Hence taps should always be fitted leaving enough room between the tap and the wall.
Problems that develop in a wash basin:

Waste coupling:
  • If the waste coupling is broken or the groove is worn out, the coupling should be changed.
  • If the sieve is worn out, the waste water will remain at the bottom and water cannot flow into the inner pipe and it starts to flow out. To avoid this, a new coupling needs to be fitted.
Waste pipe:
The wash basin should be checked for any leak in the pipe through which the waste water goes down. If a leak is found, try and tighten the pipe fitting. If the leak still persists, check if there is a crack in the groove. If so, replace the pipe.

Problems that arise in a European closet:
  • If there is a leak in the flush tank, it means the washer inside the tank is not functioning. The washer therefore needs to be replaced.
  • There is a nylon rope present on the flush tank between the handle and the valve. If this rope is worn thin it has to be replaced.
  • Since the handle of the flush is being used several times a day, and by so many different people, it may break and stop functioning due to rough use. and needs to be replaced.
  • A block in the plastic bend due to salt accumulation can be removed using hydrochloric acid.
  • In course of time, due to wear and tear, the cup in the bend may break and will have to be replaced.
  • The bend in the flush tank should be replaced when it has become old.
  • If the flush tank overflows the valve needs to be checked, and replaced if required.