Storage and Preservation are an important part of the storekeeping function. When materials remain idle in the store these materials should be taken care of and looked after properly. Otherwise these materials may get perished due to natural chemical reaction like rusting by moisture, melting by heat etc and also may get affected by insets, rats etc.

In order to protect the materials from various adverse effects the following actions should be taken: -

  1. Materials should be stocked free from ground. No material should be stocked on the floor as it may be affected by dampness, white ants etc.
  2. Materials should be stocked in the appropriate place according to the nature of the materials.
    Eg :
    1. Stationery, Electrical, Civil Engineering, Cleaning and Similar items may be stocked in the steel racks.
    2. Medicine items may be stocked in the fridge.
    3. Perishable items may be stored in the cold rooms.
    4. Explosive, film, fuse items may be stored in the AC room.
    5. Attractive items may be stored in shelves under lock and keys.
  3. Daily and periodical cleaning should be carried out.
  4. Daily and periodical verification of stock should be carried out to ensue correctness of stock.
  5. Proper method of handling should be followed to avoid damages to the materials.
  6. Preservation materials should be applied to protect the items.
  7. Hazardous materials should be segregated and stocked in a separate store house away from other store houses.
  8. Safety precautions should be taken and safety appliances should be provided.
Receiving Materials
After, all the pre-purchase actions are completed, like selecting supplier, placing purchase order, follow-up etc., the materials are supplied by the supplier. Which receiving materials, a systematic record of the consignment received, carrier details and descriptions of materials so that inspection can be arranged prior to acceptance. Many organizations have a separate central receiving section for this purpose. As mentioned earlier a copy of the purchase order is sent to the central receiving section for reconciling purposes.

The supplier normally sends the invoice for the materials supplied for payment. It is essential that the invoice is matched against the receipt details, quantity accepted and rejected so that payments can be made within the discount period or provisions be made whic1h will keep in funds planning. Normally invoices are sent to the buyers finance department. A close coordination between the finance and materials management departments is necessary.

The bulk consignment should be opened at the central receiving section in the presence of a properly constituted board of officers comprising a presiding officer and some members from the concerned departments. Number of packages mentioned in the packing notes, If available should be opened and the materials checked against the invoice. The materials should be checked for quantity, quality, specification, condition etc. If the quantity is found less in comparison with the invoice, a discrepancy/shortage report will be raised and sent to the supplier to make good of the quantity found less. If any materials is found of substandard, and found not in confirmation with specification or found in a damaged condition, such materials will be rejected and the supplier should be informed o this matter. The supplier shall collect the rejected materials at his cost and shall provide suitable replacement as per the terms and condition laid down in the purchase order. The materials will be accepted and taken into stores stock and the bill be passed for payment.

The materials supplied by the supplier as door delivery, will be checked in comparison with the invoice in the presence of the supplier. If everything is OK the materials will be accepted and one copy of the invoice or the delivery will be signed and returned to the supplier. If any complaint is found, action as mentioned above will be taken.

Store Management
Stores play a vital role in the operations of an organization. It is in direct touch with the user department in its day-to-day activities. The most important purpose served by stores is to provide an uninterrupted service to the various user departments. In the case of a Hospital we can say the Operation Theatre, wards, specialty clinics, units, refraction departments, Registration, Admission departments etc., are the user departments. Further stores often equated directly with money, as materials have money value.

The stores function can be details as under:
  1. To receive ordered materials such as, components, tools, equipments, and other items and account for them.
  2. To provide adequate and proper storage for preservation of various items.
  3. The meet the demands of the consuming department by proper issues and account for the issues.
  4. To minimize the stock holding through proper codification and handling to avoid the materials becoming surplus, obsolete and scrap.
  5. To highlight stock accumulation, discrepancies and abnormal
  6. Consumptions and effect suitable control measures.
  7. To ensure good house keeping so that material handling, preservation, receipt and issue can be done smoothly.
  8. To assist in verification and provide supported information for effective purchase activity.
To carryout the above function the following arrangements are essential:
  1. Accommodation
  2. Lay of stores
  3. Central receiving and dispatching location
  4. Cold storage etc
  5. Comfortable working condition
2. Safety
  1. Safety consciousness
  2. Safety Appliances
Location : Easily accessible to transport.
Near to the user department.
SPACE: Sufficient space for accommodating all kind of Materials.

BUILDING : Pucca building to withstand natural calamities.
SEPARATE AREAS : For receipt of Materials, Issue of Materials, Office of storekeepers.
Ramps for handling of Materials.
Convenient for the movement of the men and Materials.
Infrastructure : Cold Rooms, Fridge, Dunnaga, Racks, Shelves, Fireproof of storage etc.
Proper Ventilation.
Fire fighting equipments.
Sufficient light and pleasant working atmosphere.
Separate store for Drugs, Rubber goods, Plastic goods and Inflammable Items.
Trollies / hand cart for handling the materials

Vendor Selection
In order to procure materials at the most competitive rates and ensure a fair selection amongst suppliers, tender system is normally adopted. A major disadvantage of procurement through the tender system is the prolonged lead time. When the requirements are urgent, procurement is invariably done through the limited tender system. In such cases enquiries are sought from genuine bidders and the lead time is also reduced. Registration of firms should be done after scrutiny, analysis of its financial reliability credentials.

Criteria for registration:
The following criteria should be fulfilled for registering a firm as supplier of pharmaceutical products and equipment.
  1. The firm should have been in business for a period of at least two years in the country in relation to the type of equipment for which the registration in sought.
  2. The latest balance sheet should be obtained to know the financial health of firm. Turnover for last two years should be obtained.
  3. Income tax clearance certificate should be obtained of previous year.
  4. Sales tax registration certificate, wherever applicable.
  5. Financial standing of the firm should be enquired from the bankers.
  6. A record of last one to two years performance of the firm is to be obtained from other similar organizations where the firm was registered for supply of hospitals equipment / pharmaceutical products.
  7. A proof of ownership, partnership etc. should be obtained along with verification of address, telephone numbers and Fax numbers.
  8. It should also be ensured that the firm has remitted the prescribed fee for registration.
  9. The suitability of the firm should be verification from the referee to be appointed by the firm.
  10. The firm must furnish an undertaking on a non-judicial stamped paper that the firm has not been black listed in the past and there is no CBI / vigilance case pending against it.
  11. Authority letter from manufacturer / principals, if applicable, should be obtained.
If the firm is not fulfilling the terms and conditions it should be removed / black listed or banned.

Removal of firms from registration list
Black listing of firms
Vendor selection and rating

1.The role of the Purchase Manager in any company, Public or Private or state sector, Small scale industry, partnership concern or any is becoming more andmore difficult and complex due to the factor, he has to satisfy various departments internally and statutory authorities, suppliers, transport agencies, insurance companies, banking sectors and the like. The role is more complex as each department looks upon its needs only and is not able to appreciate the problems faced by the purchase executive. Scarcity of the goods in the market, uncertainty in the supply of raw materials, frequent changes in the taxes and duties, acts of God, acts of Governments, power failure transport problems, industrial relationship, low productivity etc, have been conquered with and goods procured. There are many opposing forces. Above all, queries/audit objections have to be answered.

The main role of the Stores of a hospital is to ensure an uninterrupted supply of materials to the various departments so that smooth and efficient functioning of the hospital is not affected.

In order to ensure a smooth issue of materials, a systematic procedure should be followed. Good stores systems can greatly help the stores manager in smooth issue, accurate stock status reports, timely detection of discrepancies, prompt clearance of goods inward notes to expedite bill payment, reduction in losses etc. For this purpose a stores manual incorporating all the features has been prepared in many organization.

On receipt of this indent in store, the store keeper scrutinises it for correctness in all respects. If any shortcoming or mistake is found the same will be intimated to the indenter for rectification action. If the indent is found Ok in all respects, the materials will be issued and the signature of the person receiving the materials will be obtained in the appropriate column. Then the original copy will be detached from the indent book and kept by store for feeding in the computer for writing off the quantity of materials issued from the inventory stock. The counterfoil will remain in the indent book itself for the reference of the department. After all the issue action through out the day and feeding to the inventory ledger the stock position will be checked and ensured that the stock is correct. The issue in our hospital is followed on FIFO method.



Material management department is an essential part of any organisation. Especially in a hospital, Materials Management Department plays a vital role in the smooth and efficient function of it.

A hospital is known as labour oriented. Because human physical labour has much importance in health care. Labour in this context means the skilled labour of the medical, nursing, paramedical and other personal. The hospital depends upon the technological skill and knowledge of the hospital personnel. These personnel, in turn, depend on various materials, with out which their skills cannot be converted in to diagnostic and therapeutic services. Eg: - a surgeon with out sutures and surgical blades, a nurse with out syringes and needles, a Radiologist with out x-ray film and so on. Thus it is obvious that materials play a vital role in hospital. Proper knowledge and experience in acquisition, storage, distribution, replemishment and allied functions is therefore a must in a hospital. Therefore the science of material management comes in very handly and to the rescue of the hospital administrators.

In the present fast developing Eye Care system the Material Management Department has to face a tremendous challenges and responsibilities in its job. The task is really Herculean as lacs/crores worth of materials are involved in The process of purchase and issue. The task is so tough as the money tied up in Inventory aggregates to a major portion of the budget of the organisation. In many organisation materials forms the largest single expenditure item that accounts nearly 60 percent of the total expenditure. Thus the importance of Materials Management lies in the fact that any significant contribution made by the Materials Manage in reducing the materials cost will go a long way in improving profitability and in achieving economy.

The role of the Material Management System is to provide various kinds of materials uninterruptedly to the different user departments of a hospital to ensure a smooth and efficient function of the hospital. Interruption in the availability of materials in an industry may result in loss of productivity. In a hospital, it may even mean death or suffering of human beings, both of which can not be valued in terms of money.

There are two types of Material Management System.
  1. Integrated type of MMS
  2. Decentralised type of MMS.
This is the system in which the entire functions of the Materials Management System are done under a single department under one Manager.

Under this system the entire functions of MMS have been divided in to two parts, viz Purchase Department and Stores department.

Both these systems are having their own pros and cons.

The scope of the Materials Management is vast. We can broadly identify the following functions: -

Materials Planning and Control
Inventory control
Receiving and storage
Disposal of scrape
Feed Back

  1. To optimize the usage of resources to meet the needs in an efficient manners.
  2. To purchase right materials, at right time, at right quantity at the right rate and of course through right sources.
  3. To keep stock at all items
  4. Avoid over stock
  5. Avoid under stock/stock out
  6. Proper storage to avoid loss, obsolescence, difference.
  7. Proper and prompt issue to departments.
  8. Cut cost and achieve profitability and economy.