Information, Education and Communication: The Round Table

The round table:

A very effective modification of the interview is the round table. It consists of an interview with three or four speakers who present a more or less informed debate. No formal script is used, but the participants speak from notes which have been previously discussed. Since there is no audience participation, the round table is admirably adopted to radio. It is not strictly a discussion method but more of a debate.


An assembly of representatives or delegates from local units of a parent organization having a common interest. These persons meet together to explore and act on problems of concern to the entire organization.


Only means for a member organization to participate in planning, policy making, etc. of a parent organization which is geographically broad in scope.


  1. Mob psychology may away delegates.
  2. Minority group may be able to impose its ideas on the whole group.


In it one speaker is for and one against. It is followed by questions and answers.


  1. It is good for presenting two sides or a picture.
  2. It is lively.
  3. Audience takes active interest.


  1. Wrong point of view may ever shadow the right side.
  2. It may lead to exchange of hot words. A useful method for eliciting different points of view in a group.