Information, Education and Communication: Three Dimensional Aids

Three Dimensional Aids:

all the AV materials, three dimensional aids are nearest to living experiences. These side, such as models and Mook-ups are replies or reconstructions of the real thing. They are contrived experiences where reality is altered or simplified For teaching purposes. A simple classification of these aids is given below:-


Recognizable three-dimensional representation of real things.


Real things which have been removed as units from their natural setting.


Objects which are incomplete or which are representative of a group or class of similar objects.


Devices which are imitations of real things without involving similarity of appearance, the non-functioning Parts that are unnecessary for understanding operational functions being omitted.


Three-dimensional scenes incorporating miniature objects and backgrounds in perspective.


  1. To recreate things from the past or the future.
  2. To reduce the size of things.
  3. To make model of things too small to examine.
  4. To made model of things from faraway places.
  5. To explain difficult concepts.
  6. To show working parts.
  7. To attract interests attention.
  8. To promote increased learner participation.
  9. To show some selected aspect of the whole in a simple elemental way.
  10. To present an immediate sensation.


  1. Time consuming.
  2. Requires extra talent.


  1. Is the model necessary on case you make use of the original.
  2. Could some other device portray the idea more effectively?
  3. Is the idea appropriate for representation in a model?
  4. Is each part of the model mad to the same scale proportionate in size?
  5. Are the important details of construction correct?
  6. Could wrong impressions of size, Colour and shape result from using this model?
  7. Does the model oversimplify the idea?
  8. If it is workable, will at standup under frequent use?
  9. If it is made locally, is the model likely to be worth the time, effort and money involved?
  10. If it is purchased, will the model be used often enough to justify the cost?