Case Study - Vision by Session

Vision by Session:

Mr. Rajmohan of R. Palayam was invited for the feedback session by the Retina department in connection with the visit of diabetic retinopathy project evaluation team from LCIF and WHO. He wrote back to inform us about his inability to attend the feedback-cum-interaction session. But he has written that through this letter he wanted to share his experiences with others in the feed back session. "If I am able to write this letter and able to see the world, it is because of the health education of Dr. Swamy who has given me laser treatment. I would like to thank him on this occasion for giving vision to me" says Mr.Rajmohan.

Mr.Rajmohan aged 55 is a mill worker of R. Palayam. He has three daughters and two sons and he has no time and money to look after his health. He has spent most of his earning for the children's education and marriage. After the marriage of three daughters and two sons, no one looked after him properly. He has to manage his family with his low income. He has no money to take proper treatment for diabetes. He is suffering from diabetes for the past 15 years. He used to consult Dr.Raja, the local diabetologist once in a year. Further every year he used to consult an ophthalmologist and he advised him to change the glass but he has not followed the advice of the doctor.

On 30.08.2003 Dr.Raja organised a mega free diabetic retinopathy screening camp at R. Palayam. In the diabetic retinopathy screening camp, there was a health education session, exhibition for diabetes and diabetic retinopathy and food care. As part of the diabetic retinopathy Dr. Swamy conducted screening camp, health education session separately to the diabetes patients and people. He said that diabetes has become major public health problems. It affects all the vital organs of the body. It is the silent killer. It affects eye especially the retina. People, diabetes patients and physician are not aware about early signs and symptoms of diabetic retinopathy. Though controlling of blood sugar is important, duration of diabetes is more important. Seventy to eighty percent of diabetes will develop diabetic retinopathy in 20 years.

Mr.Rajmohan attended the health education session. He was very much concerned about the diabetic retinopathy information and curious to know about his eye. An ophthalmologist from the eye hospital examined his retina and said that his both retina were affected. Then he was referred to counsellor. The counsellor encouraged and consoled him. The counsellor explained about how his retina affected FFA procedure and laser treatment with help of flip chart. The counsellor asked him to come to base hospital for laser treatment on a particular day.

On the allotted day, Mr.Rajmohan came to the hospital and undergone laser treatment. Further they advised him to come for regular follow-up. Medicine, exercises, diet and regular follow-up are the most important for management of diabetic retinopathy. He follows their advice and also visits the hospital for follow-up regularly.

He said that if he had not attended the health education session of Dr. Swamy on that day, he would have become blind by this time. Fortunately he has attended the health education session and acted on the key messages. The session was not only useful to him, but also useful to many diabetes patients. Once again I must thank to the doctor who has given vision.


This case study can be used for teaching health seeking behaviour. The following question may be put to the audience to elicit their reply.

  1. What is the key message?
  2. What are the main parts of body affected by diabetes?
  3. What is laser treatment?
  4. How diabetes and diabetic retinopathy can be managed?