The demonstration method of teaching or presenting material involves a lecture on the information with the simultaneous use of a model in order to clarify to the participants the information being presented. The lecture may be interrupted at any time to demonstrate the model to the audience or clarify points which may be too difficult to be presented in a lecture alone.
- Can explain things which are not explainable otherwise.
- Develops skills in the individual and group.
- Easily understandable .
- Need time.
- Scarcity of models.
A demonstration can be taken to a group, or the group can be brought to the, demonstration. Observers can be taken to see a demonstration of method of village sanitation, improved irrigation, contour plowing. Demonstrations of how to bathe a baby, how to spray with DDT, how to cull a flock of chickens can be put right in a village. Demonstrations are equally effective with simple processes or complex programmes.
No matter what the topic, demonstration must be well planned in order to show the learner all the steps he must see to understand the process clearly. Practice beforehand by the demonstrator is valuable to make sure all the points are converted, all the equipment needed is at hand ,and that the presentation will go smoothly. The presentation must be interesting, well timed, visible to everyone. When they are good, demonstrations can establish communication between the instructor and the audience, lead to discussion and increased interest. An almost perfect training situation exists when a demonstration is followed by "doing" on the part of the trainee. If he is able to practice at once the processes he has seen, he will learn more, and understand better.
Demonstrations can combine many audio-visual aids. They often make use of real objects and specimens, models, charts, pictures. Filmstrips and films are other useful demonstration materials. Demonstrations can be used for motivation, direct teaching, or summary of the important points.
what is it?
A method demonstration is a short-time demonstration given before a group to show how to carry out an entirely new practice or an old practice in a better way. This method, however, is not concerned with proving the worth of a practice but with how to do something. It is definitely not an experiment or a trial, but a teaching effort.
- Effective in teaching skills.
- Stimulates action.
- Build confidence.
- Serves publicity purpose.
- Increase acquaintance of workers with the local people.
- Introduce change of practice at low cost.
- Not suited to all subject-matter.
- Needs great deal of preparation, equipment and skill on the part of the extension worker.
- Causes a set-back to the whole programme if improperly co-ordinated.
- Select topics based on the needs of people.
- Demonstration should be timely.
- Give good advance publicity to build up interest and secure wide perticipation.
- Entrust the leaders with the task of watching the adoption of the new practice.
- Be at the spot early to check up equipment and material.
- Make physical arrangements so that all participants can have a good 1ook at the demonstration and take part in the discussions.
- Conduct demonstration step by step, encouraging questions at each stage.
- Clear doubts but avoid arguments.
- Give opportunity to individuals to practice the skill.
- Distribute bulletins, leaflets, etc. related to the demonstration.
- Get the names of the participants and list those who contemplate the adoption Of the practice. This helps in the follow-up and increases the number of persons desiring the change.
what is it?
A result demonstration is a way of showing people the value of a pew practice. Such demonstrations require a substantial period of time. Comparisons are usually necessary and records are essential. The result demonstration may be for a single recommended practice or a series of practices that come in sequence with respect to a problem.
- Stimulates people to action.
- Effective .
- Active co-operation.
- Widens vision.
- Develop leadership.
- Serves sight seeing purposes.
- To prove the worth of a new practice.
- To show that the recommendations are locally applicable and are profitable .
- Facilities not always available.
- Needed situations may not exist.
What to do?
- Planning:
- Discuss with the people and find out their interest.
- Consult the specialist.
- Outline a definite plan and put it is writing.
- Discuss and plan with the selected village leaders.
- Announce widely (other steps as in the Method demonstration.