Social Consequences of Cataract Blindness | |
Dr G Venkataswamy MS,FACS
Director, Aravind Eye Hospital, Madurai, India. |
Strong family ties and a sense of family responsibility are common in developing countries although. in recent years, the system has been breaking down. Married sons and daughters-in-law with grand children live in one house. with one kitchen. sharing all the jobs whether it is cooking, farming or raising cattle or sheep. Money may be with the head of the family. the father and his wife. The married sons or their children get the money they need from the heads of the family, Women may have small accounts of money but it is not common for them to have bank accounts. Cash is usually kept in the house or some jewels are bought as an investment. In his old age, when the head of the family gradually stops working. the responsibility of handling money is handed over to the sons or the sons-in-law. Then the older couple get money for their needs from the newly appointed head. Lending and borrowing take place between families and the banks are scarcely used. Money lenders make business in villages and their interest rates are high. They may give interest only against mortgage by jewels or copper and brass pots. The poor live at subsistence level and they may have hard cash for perhaps a week's needs. There is no social security or old age pension. There are no health insurance or medicare programmes. When there is illness the family may have some remedies or go to a village traditional medicine man or to a government dispensary nearby. Very rarely does a villager go to a doctor unless there is a serious accident or an acute problem sets in. Most of them use herbal remedies either from a qualified ayurvedic practitioner or a village medical man who has learnt the art from either a relative or through a correspondence course. Most people (90%) in villages do not go to allopathic doctors. Even in larger towns and cities ayurvedic and homeopathic practitioners are more familiar to people than allopathic doctors.
After Cataract surgery in India Social impact
In India cataract is common between 55 and 65 years. These patients could do normal work if they had normal vision and support their family or earn enough for food and clothing. When they go blind they depend on their children to support them. In one survey we found that nearly half of the cataract patients had lost their partners. This is a great loss especially when help is needed. Even among educated middle class families, the awareness of cataract as a cause of blindness, with the possibility of restoration of sight by surgery, was not common. Only in families where somebody had had a cataract operation were other family members, neighbours and friends. aware of cataract blindness and its remedy. Another survey showed that on average people came for a cataract operation six months after they had ceased to work. So they had to be taken care of by their children or relatives during that period. Also they lose earnings that could have made had their sight been restored without delay. The economic condition of people blinded by cataract is appalling. A farm labourer wi,lIprobably earn $0.50 a day. A woman worker wilI earn about $0.40 day. The food that they can buy hardly satisfies their hunger. If they lose their vision they lose the ability to earn that meagre amount. The decision to have surgery must include the person who is taking care of the patient needing surgery. The truth is that many are afraid they will not be able to provide the post-operative care that the patient will need. There are some who stay alone, mostly widows without children, who have moved out of the viIIage to earn a living. A widow may postpone the operation because she cannotcook and take care of herself. Food is cooked on open firewood. Wood must be collected, and water from a well or stream. Recently in a villagewewere able to persuade a kind neighbour to take care of a woman for three weeks following surgery. All these factors are responsible for the low rate of cataract operations in the country. Hospitals do not have basic facilitiesto take care of a large volumeof eye patients, especiallyfor surgery. Eyecamps are of great help because here the villager does not feel quite so intimidated. The challenge to eye care services We need to develop organisations which increase awareness in the community about cataract and the advantage of early operation before working and earning ability are lost. The base hospital or camp should have facilities to do large volume cataract surgery every day while maintaining high standards of care. Poor people should have a free operation, free stay. free food, and transportation. A strong team of field organisers could develop primary eye care programmes where paid or voluntary primary health workers identify cataract patients and motivate them to come for operations. Facilities in the base hospital or camp should be streamlined to take care of a large volume of patients every day in a cost effective way. Optimum utilisation of trained manpower, operating rooms and equipment wilIhelp in promotinggood quality care at low cost. This needs the help of hospital administrators. field organisers, health educators, epidemiologists. etc. The whole process. from identification and motivation of the individual patients to getting them back to work after surgery, must be well planned. These are some examples of the social problems associated with cataract blindness. In any national or global programme we must be aware of the problems and find ways of solving them. |