Dear Readers,
As we are marching towards the first birthday of our site, we thank all our readers and users for keeping your enthusiastic support and interest towards the site. All the feedbacks we have got make us more boost us to reach our goals in a more defined way. We expect the same support and cooperation so that we could come out with more useful resources that could help your eye care service delivery.
Wish you a productive reading!

Happy reading!
Vision 2020 e-resource team
The Issue Features...
Frequently Asked Questions on Eye Glasses!
Vol. 2 No.2 February 2005
•   Highlights
•   Collaborating Partner


As we want to feature all the resources on Patient Education this month, you will find this part take you to the quick overview of all the products available on this topic. To access all the resources on Refractive Errors, go to the homepage of the site (www.v2020eresoure.org) and enter your user name and password on the boxes provided at the end of the page. This will take you to the Resource bank page where you will find the key areas and management processes. Or please click on the following link to go directly to the Resource Bank page: http://www.v2020eresource.org/resourcedirectory.aspx.

On the Management process side of the Resource Bank you will find a separate category as Patient Education. To access the resources of this category checkmark Patient Education box and click Submit button at the bottom of the page. The resources under this category of check will be listed down in 17 pages, with 84 products. The resources under category include

Frequently Asked Questions

You can find an Abstract, Guideline, and Refer to friends, See Product, Write a Review and Place your vote for each product. All these products are tested and hence you can download directly for your own use to educate the patients on various eye diseases, the causes and symptoms etc.

All these materials are useful as a tool for building up the quality in your work. We are expecting your usage of the materials and the feedback.


We are very much delighted to collaborate with other Eye Care websites and Resource Centres to reach out more people and develop useful resources. This month we are featuring International Trachoma Initiative as our collaborating partner.

The International Trachoma Initiative (ITI) is dedicated to the elimination of blinding trachoma, the world's leading cause of preventable blindness. The ITI approaches its mission - in countries where the World Health Organization has noted that trachoma remains a significant cause of blindness - through targeted support for expanded implementation of the SAFE strategy. Founded in 1998 by the Edna McConnell Clark Foundation and Pfizer Inc, the ITI seeks to achieve global elimination of blinding trachoma by putting into action the SAFE strategy, including donated Zithromax, applied research and program evaluation, and communications and advocacy.

Working on an independent and objective basis, the ITI collaborates with international agencies and governmental and nongovernmental organizations. The ITI supports the World Health Organization's Alliance for Global Elimination of Trachoma by 2020 (GET 2020) as well as the Int'l Agency for Prevention of Blindness global program Vision 2020: The Right to Sight.