Dear Readers,
Welcome to the second Issue of Site News!. After the launch on April 7th, this edition of SiteNews includes an overview of the site launch with a brief note on the feedback received in the Vision 2020 e-resource section. In the way it works we cover how the weblinks feature works.
The featured product in this issue is the Cataract Frequently Asked Questions. Besides our regular features about subscribing for sitenews,registration, how you can contribute and tell us about an eye care event we have introduced a section in which we aim to cover our collaborating partner. This time we have featured one ofthe first organisation who expressed an interest right from the onset on how they can collaborate with us- the International Center for Eye Health.
Shared vision is a powerful tool for change. As we each continue in our own ways to fight blindness, let's take a moment to remember that we are all connected by a common goal.
Looking forward to bringing you more information, innovation and inspiration each month!
Wish you a productive reading!
Happy reading!
Vision 2020 e-resource team
After its launch on April 7th 2004, the Vision 2020 e-resource site was widely accessed all over the world. The feedback and suggestions that we received have been very encouraging and renews our commitment to work towards the goal. Nearly 347 members from over 62 countries have currently registered on the site. The users range from eye care people in India to Pakistan to Tanzania to Uganda to Peru to US, UK and Australia besides Kyrgyzstan and many more.
This month we want to elucidate the weblinks section of Vision 2020 e-resource. This section provides details on the various types of:
- Listservs
- Newsletters
- Discussion forums
- Websites
The information provided is not just the listing of the weblinks but it also provides information on how to join these listserves, newsletters and discussion forum with all the contact details.
For quick-and -easy access to the users, Vision 2020 e-resource uses two broad headings in order to classify the weblinks. They are
- Weblinks type - Lists the types of weblinks
- Category - Lists the topics in which the above weblinks are been classified
Web links types are listed above and the category is classified into the following division.
- Eye Care personnel - Lists weblinks related to different eye disorders
- Eye Clinics/Hospitals - Lists quite a number of eye hospital sites and clinic sites
- INGO/Eye Care Associates - Lists the major eye care associations related to eye care service delivery
- General Eye Care Information
- Clinical - provides clinical information weblinks
- Patient Education - provides patient education weblinks
- Journals - provides links to online journal sites
- Research - Lists the research sites exists in eye care
How to start the search?
Users are expected to checkmark the boxes that are relevant to their search in each column (i.e. weblinks type and Category) and then click on the Submit icon to submit their request. The Select All icon will automatically place checkmarks in all the boxes under that particular column. The Clear All icon will automatically clear the checkmarks in boxes under that column.
Sample Search
Take a look at it by clicking on
This link leads you to the Weblinks page. To search the details you can for example:
Under "Weblinks type" select "Listservs" (click on the box)
Under "Categories" select "Eye Care Personnel (click on the "+" button)" and within it Retina and then click on "Submit" button. This process is to narrow down your search by the category of the Eye diseases.
You would then see a listing of Listservs currently made available. For each product we have provided the "Content" which tells you what that Listservs is about and also the details on how to Subscribe or Unsubscribe to that list.
We are eager to hear any feedback or suggestions about its user-friendliness. Our aim is to make this site as useful and as easy-to-use as possible for you. And with your help we can make it happen!
This section features one of the most significant products in our website which is been voted as best product by the users itself. This month we want to feature the Frequently Asked Questions on Cataract. Currently the site contains FAQs on Refractive Errors, Eye bank, Cataract, Uvea, Cornea and Glaucoma. These Frequently Asked Questions not only provides the basic questions that patients may ask a counsellor rather it can be used as a training material for Counsellors to train themselves in the counselling activities. The brief explanation of the product can be found in the following paragraphs with its abstract and guideline.
Cataract FAQ
Abstract: The Cataract counselling guidelines deals about the responsibilities of patient counsellors in counselling individual or groups of patients and the role of patient counselling coordinators, training required, departmental duties and the challenges faced by the patient counsellors. A set of frequently asked counselling guidelines queries help counsellors in counselling the patients in an efficient way. The three stages of counselling such as preoperative, postoperative and surgery guidelines are also dealt with the video coverage on the phaco and routine method.
Guideline: The Cataract Counselling Guidelines helps the patient counsellors and counselling coordinators to train themselves in counselling, to know their responsibilities, to educate patients on the nature of cataract, preoperative preparation, and surgical procedure and the outcome, non-technical postoperative instructions etc.
Please have a look at the product here: Cataract FAQ
We are delighted to collaborate with other resource centres and also other eye care websites. In this section we want to feature one of our collaborating partners "International Community Eye Health".
During a visit for the Workshop on Development of guidelines for treatment of corneal ulcers at the Primary, Secondary and tertiary care levels in South East Asia region, from 7th to 9th December by Dr. Allen foster and Dr. Para, we used the opportunity to present a draft of the website to them. Both gave invaluable inputs and Dr. Foster followed it up by sending a team to visit Aravind. Ms. Ann Naughton, ICEH admin Director and Ms.Sally Parsley, the web designer for the ICEH website, between 26 Jan 2004 to 30 Jan 2004.and an agreement was made between ICEH and Aravind to collaborate. This was taken forward by having the link to the Community Eye health journal on our website.