Dear Readers,
For efficient delivery of eye care services efficient proper management and utilization of resources are a top priority. This is more so in the context of VISION 2020 wherein utilization of eye care services have been seen to be as low as 25% currently. The VISION 2020 Right to Sight goal is to increase resource utilization to 90%. The theme of this issue of Sitenews focuses on resource utilization.
Resources are broadly classified into Human Resources, Material Resources, Financial Resources as well as Instruments and Equipments. In a eye hospital we broadly classify the human resources into the ophthalmologists, the paramedical group which includes the nursing and refractionist group and the non clinical staff include the technicians, support staff as well as the administrative staff. The role played by each group has to be well worked out for them to work together as a team synergistically. This issues provides links to various e-resources which can provide a better understanding of human resource utilization.
Materials, finance and Instrument equipment utilization is another important aspect which is often not seriously considered or neglected. This is mainly because funding may be coming external to the organization so the hospital does not pay enough attention related to its own financial self sustainability. Related to material and equipment utilization it is very important to pay attention to its maintenance for better utilization.
This issue of Sitenews provides various practical tools, and tips to help your organization improve utilisation. If you have your own story, tool or tip to share kindly email it to eyesite@aravind.org.
We also look forward to receiving your feedback about how you have applied any of the resources at your workplace and the impact it had.
Wish you a productive reading!

Happy reading!
Vision 2020 e-resource team
The Issue Features...
Resource Utilization
Vol. 5 No. 5 May 2008
•   Human Resources
•   Materials
•   Finance
•   Instruments and Equipments
•   Featured Organization


      Vision 2020 The Right to sight is recommending a two to five fold increase in the volume of cataract surgery. The only way to accomplish this feat is to make best use of available personnel and facilities and to become organized to reach more people in need. These efforts will require considerable strengthening of programmes, expansion of trained staff, and engagement with communities in ways that stimulate people in need of surgery to come forward early in their progression toward blindness. In so doing, the likelihood of a programme being capable of sustaining itself from modest patient fees is enhanced.

- WHO, 1999


Materials Management is an essential part of any organization especially in a Hospital, Materials Management Department plays a vital role in the smooth and efficient function of it. It means the management of materials likes planning, Purchasing, Store & Inventory Control, Care and Preservation, Issue of materials, Accounting and Disposal of scrap. It is in direct touch with the user department in its day-to-day activities. The most important purpose served by stores is to provide an uninterrupted service to the various user departments. In the case of a Hospital we can say the Operation Theatre, Wards, Specialty Clinics, Units, Refraction Departments, Registration, Admission Departments etc. are the user departments. The successful and efficient functioning of a department depends mainly upon how best the materials are supplied by stores department to them. Further stores often equated directly with money, as materials have money value.

  • Abstract:
    The purpose of this article is to describe the materials management and its uses to bring about control over the acquisition, storage, irretrievability, distribution, use and disposal of supplies and equipment in order to carry out the primary responsibilities of the organization in an efficient, effective and economical manner. It also describes about the Organization and the process of the materials management.


  • Abstract:
    This article gives some suggestions to provide the foundation for evolving Materials department profession into the better-suited Strategic Resource and Planning Department role.


  • Abstract:
    This article tells in detail about how the Hospitals can cut materials costs by efficiently managing supply pipeline. It also describes about the Supply chain procedures and the policies that have to be followed by the materials management department of the hospitals.


  • Abstract:
    This article tells in detail how to mobilize various heath care resource amongst the community by creating awareness about the health care utilities.


      Eye care services, like other health care services, often face demands for services which fluctuate monthly, daily, or even by the hour. The services cant be produced and stored for later delivery. Neither can the resources be increased at very short notice. Hence maximum utilization of the existing resources (human, social and financial) should be adopted so that it leads to a significant improvement in eye care.
      Cost containment requires linking expenditures with outputs, and making that linkage clear to those who can affect either or both. Thus current and accurate records are integral to cost containment. Control will need to be exercised at the micro level, looking at each transaction. Purchase and payment procedures should ensure that what is needed is purchased at the right time, price, quantity and quality.


      Ophthalmic equipment is a major resource required for delivery of quality eye care at an appropriate cost. This resource should be selected carefully and once purchased it should be maintained and used efficiently in order to generate adequate return on the investment. The typical economic issues that need to be addressed to adequately justify this investment are the following:
  • Appropriate charges for the procedure
  • Anticipated revenue per year
  • Estimated expenses per year
  • Volume required for break even
  • Estimated financial returns over multiyear period

  • Abstract:
    With the advent of modern technology, in order to provide quality eye care the hospitals are forced to purchase several equipments. Purchasing of equipments not only involves capital cost of the equipment but also the cost for supporting facilities like air-conditioning, special foundations and construction. It also involves some recurring costs like salaries to technicians, annual service contract charges, cost of spares, consumables, interest and depreciation charges. Due to all these costs many of the charity hospitals find it difficult to invest in new technology. In this context, the hospitals face a situation as to how to mobilize resources (money) to procure the necessary equipments and also whether to charge patients and if so what would be the amount they would charge?


  • Abstract:
    With the advent of modern technology, in order to provide quality eye care the hospitals are forced to purchase several equipments. Purchasing of equipments not only involves capital cost of the equipment but also the cost for supporting facilities like air-conditioning, special foundations and construction. It also involves some recurring costs like salaries to technicians, annual service contract charges, cost of spares, consumables, interest and depreciation charges. Due to all these costs many of the charity hospitals find it difficult to invest in new technology. In this context, the hospitals face a situation as to how to mobilize resources (money) to procure the necessary equipments and also whether to charge patients and if so what would be the amount they would charge?


Eye Surgeons Associates
      Eye Care For Every Need...
      The eye is a complex, beautiful structure that provides the joy of sight. Treating it properly requires knowledge, experience, and cutting-edge technology.
      Eye Surgeons Associates offers a comprehensive range of medical, surgical, and optical eye care dedicated to the protection, preservation, enhancement, and restoration of vision at any age; for children with a world to discover, adults who want to see all that life has to offer, and seniors who desire to live independently and with dignity.
      Our doctors are world renowned experts that are fully fellowship trained in their specialties, board certified, and many are recognized leaders in their professional societies. Eye Surgeons Associates offers university level care in cataract and refractive surgery such as lasik and lens exchange, cornea and external eye disease, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, macular degeneration, pediatric eye disorders, oculoplastics and ocular oncology, strabismus, and vitreoretinal disease in a private practice setting without doctors in training.
      The advanced training that our ophthalmologists and optometrists have combined with our certified technicians and opticians allows Eye Surgeons Associates to provide the finest in eye care from basic eye examinations and optical services to the treatment of the most complicated vision problems.
      Our doctors and staff are committed to helping you and every member of your family see your best for a lifetime.

Visit our website : www.eyesurgeonspc.com


  • Managing People [May. 2007]
  • Refractive Correction [May. 2006]
  • Cataract [May. 2005]
  • Cataract Frequently Asked Questions [May. 2004]
  • Eye Care Barriers [Apr. 2008]
  • Ophthalmic Emergencies in Eye Care [Apr. 2007]
  • Evidence for Action - Cataract Control [Apr. 2006]
  • Paediatric Eye Care Service Delivery [Apr. 2005]
  • Introduction to SiteNews [Apr. 2004]
  • Global Eye Care Programme [Mar. 2008]
  • Eye Care Information Resource Center [Mar. 2007]
  • Leadership [Mar. 2006]
  • Strategic Planning Tools [Mar. 2005]
  • Standardization through Clinical Protocols [Feb. 2008]
  • Patient Education Resources [Feb. 2007]
  • Community Outreach - Cataract [Feb. 2006]
  • Frequently Asked Questions on Eye Glasses! [Feb. 2005]
  • Materials Management in Hospitals [Jan. 2008]
  • Financial Planning for Eye Hospital [Jan. 2007]
  • Counselling [Jan. 2006]
  • Refractive Error Service Resources [Jan. 2005]