Dear Readers,
The theme of this issue of Sitenews is Orthoptics. It is the study, diagnosis, and non-surgical management of patients with symptoms related to eye misalignment and focusing problems. Orthoptists treat patients whose eyes are not working together. Orthoptists treat adults, children, and infants; however, as binocular vision conditions often mostly affect children, most orthoptists work in a Pediatric setting.
This issue first seeks to explore the history of orthoptics, as well as resources that provide an overview, definition, orthoptic vision therapy,orthoptic association and the featured personality. We hope this issue will provide valuable resources for readers. Your feedback will help us improve the newsletter. Please send in your feedback at eyesite@aravind.orgThank You. Have a happy reading. Regards, Library Team |
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Vision 2020 e-resource team, Lions Aravind Institute of Community Ophthalmology, 1, Annanagar, Madurai - 625 020, Tamil Nadu, India, E-mail:eyesite@aravind.org Phone: 91-452-2537580
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